GetTheBest is a single page web-app made to help local businesses flourish by giving them a platform to showcase their services and products.

The app is being developed currently and shall be updated from time to time as features gets implemented.

Currently implemented features are user Auth which allows users to create accounts to register and login using existing account. Next feature coming up will be registering businesses.

GetTheBest is being designed using MERN stack technology. The proposal was prepared to implement MVPs to get site functional. More details about proposal can be viewed here.

GetTheBest Live!

Technologies Used


  • This full stack project employs express for implementing back-end.
  • Databases are managed by mongoDB and is stored online using mLabs cloud storage.
  • The backend is implemented to provide RESTful APIs and handle and respond with JSON data.


  • The front end and UI are implemented using React/Redux and JavaScript.
  • Using react allows the state of the project to be normalized to reflect database and hence making the flow of one-page application smooth.
  • The webpage designing was done using css and HTML5 and icons were used from
  • Babel was used for transpiling JSX into JavaScript.

More Technologies used:

  • Redux
  • NodeJs
  • Axios
  • npm(Node package manager)
  • React DOM
  • React Router
  • React History to manipulate the browser history.
  • Cloudinary API for uploading/storing images (Trials also performed with AWS and paperclip)